Application in the prescribed format are invited from eligible persons belonging to different revenue districts of the State for appointment of with qualified Urdu Language teachers in the scale of pay of Rs.5,200-20,200/ Grade Pay Rs.2, 800/- along with usual DA as admissible to State Govt employees in High Schools in different districts of the State under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme with 100% Financia Assistance from Government of India.The appointment is purely on temporary and may cotinue till closure of the Scheme by the Government of India. The applications in prescribed format are be submitted to the District Education Officer, Balasore & Keonjhar by- 20.032014
Job Description
- Balasore : 21 Nos. (Urdu Teacher)
- Keonjhar - 01 Nos.
Eligibility For Urdu Teacher :
In order to be eligible for engagement a candidate must satisfy the following conditions :- (a) he/she must be a Citizen of India
- (b) he/sheshall be above 21 years of age and not more than 32 years of age as on 01.01.2014. However in case of women, Ex-servicemen candidate, the upper age limit shall be relaxed by five years. In case of PH candidates the upper age limit shall be relaxed by 10 years
- (c) as regards eligibility of candidates he / she must have obtained at least Alim qualification from Odish a State Board of Madrasa Education
- (d) the candidates should have registered their names in the employment exchange located in the concerned Revenue District which he/she belongs to/State Employment Exchange. No.3:- Reservation : Up to 33.1/3% of total posts of each category shall be reserved for women candidates. Reservation for Physical Handicapped persons should be made as per provision prescribed by Government from time to time.
Selection Process:
- (i) The candidates shall submit Residential Certificate as Proof of residence in the Revenue District to which they belong. A candidate may make an application for posting in One Education District only. Each applicant will deposit Rs.1001- (Rupees One Hundred) only in shape of Indian Postal Order to be drawn in favour of District Education Officer concern. While making the application towards process fee
- (ii) The concerned District Education Officer will scrutinize the applications with reference to the eligibility criteria and place it before the designated committee for preparation of merit list.
- (iii) Committee for selection shall be constituted under the Chairmanship of Collector as per sub para-3 of para-6 of G.O. No. 1056215ME dt.21.05.05
- (iv) A merit list shall be prepared on the basis of the percentage of the mark secured in each qualifying examination starting from Moulvi / HSC examination to Alim Examination. In case two or more candidates secure the same mark, the candidate older in age will be placed above in the merit list.
- (v) A merit list with twice the number of vacancies shall be drawn in accordance with para-6(4) of G.O. mention above for the post.
- (vi) The concerned District Education Officer after approval of Collector shall appoint the candidates from out of the merit list prepared under intimation to the Director, Secondary Education and the Govt. of Odish a in School and Mass Education Department.
Application for Appointment of Urdu Teacher (Alim) in High Schools.
- (i) The name of the District Education Officer to whom applied
- (ii) post applied for
- (iii) Name of the candidate (in Block letter) with passport size photograph duly attested and pasted
- (iv) Name of the Father/Husband
- (v) Mailing Address
- (vi) Permanent Address
- (vii) Date of Birth (attested copy of Moulvi /equivalent certificate with self-signature in support of date of birth should be submitted along with the application)
- (viii) Disability certificate issued by the competent authority in respect of PH candidates
- (ix) Educational Qualification (attested copy of certificate & mark sheet with self-signature in support of qualification should be submitted along with the application form), SI.No., Name of the Educational Institution, where studied, exam passed; year of passing, total mark, Mark secured, percentage of mark
- (x) Attested copy of residential certificate issued by competent authority to be attached
- (xi) Registration no. of Employment Exchange (copy to be submitted)
- (xii) No. and date of Indian Postal Order and
- (xiii) Full signature of applicant with present address.
Declaration :
The following certificate shall be furnished at the end of the application that "the information giving in the application and the document furnished are true to the best of my knowledge. I shall be personally liable in case of furnishing incorrect information and fake certificate", Place:, Date:, Signature of ApplicantNOTE
- (i) The application should reach the concerned District Education Officer by 20.03.2014
- (ii) Incomplete application and delay in receipt of the application will be summarily rejected
- (iii) The authority will not be responsible for the postal delay in any form
- (iv) The candidate furnishing the fake certificate / mark sheets shall be liable for suitable action against them
- (v) Ex-military persons and disabled persons will have to submit relevant certificate in support of their claim
- (v) No application shall be received at the Directorate of Secondary Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
- (vii) Residential Certificate shall be submitted by the candidate as proof of residence in the revenue district
- (viii)The application form shall be rejected, if it is not accompanied by the residential certificate.