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Minority Post Matric Scholarship 2021 Online Application Form

Minority Post Matric Scholarship 2021 Online Application Form 

Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department has published the Online applications form for 2021 session to award the Post Matric Scholarship and Pre-Metric Scholarship to meritorious students belonging to Minority Communities. The religion comes under Minority Community are Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain and Parsi. The students those are studying in the government recognized institute from Class XI up to Ph.D Courses will get this benefit of Post Metric Scholarship. Last date of apply of Fresh/Renewal Scholarship 2021 is 30th September 2021. Students should apply by the national scholarship portal

(Last Date : 30th September 2021 )

Eligibility For Post Matric Scholarship 2021

The students those are studying the courses such as +2, +3 or PG in any stream such as Arts, Science , Commerce, BCA, BBA, MA, M.Sc, M.Com and other lists of courses upto Ph.D can apply for this scholarship.

Who Can Apply:

  1. Students of Class XI upto Ph.d (+2, +3, PG, M.Phill, Ph.d, Diploma Engineering)
  2. Students must be permanent resident of a State. 
  3. Income of the parents should not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum.
  4. Students must have secured minimum 50% mark in the final board or university examination
  5. 30% scholarship is earmarked for girl students. 

Post Matric Scholarship Amount:

Documents Required With The Application:

  1. One Passport size photograph duly signed, 
  2. Certificates in support of Last Educational qualification
  3. Mark sheet of last qualification
  4. Income Certificate From Tahasildar,
  5. Caste Certificate From Tahasildar,
  6. Resident Certificate From Tahasildar
  7. Self-attested Xerox copy of the 1st page of Savings Bank Pass Book mentioning correct A/C No, IFSC Code, MICR Code.
IMPORTANT: Enter your Bank Account Information correctly, because the scholarship amount will be directly transferred to your bank account.

How To Apply :

From 2017 Government of India  has made a new website to apply all type of Minority Community Scholarship at one place. This a part of Digital India Initiative. Here is the details procedure of apply of the post metric scholarship is given with the image. 

Step 1 :

Click on the below given link to go to the website, here you will get a page as shown below 


Click on the  "New Student Register Here" button, you will get a page as shown in the below image

In this page, you have to enter the following data

  1. Domicile
  2. Student Name
  3. Fathers Name
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Religion
  6. Fathers Name
  7. Mothers Name
  8. Emai Id
  9. Mobile Number

STEP -3 

Now you will see a page as shown below. It shows you the TEMPORARY REGISTRATION ID. Note it down for the future login.

STEP- 4 

Again go to the login page by clicking this link

Enter your TEMPORARY ID and Date of birth to login.

Now you will see 4 sections, such as 
  1. Personal Details
  2. Academic Details,
  3. Scholarship Details
  4. Contact Address
After updating all these details, click on the submit btton, and take the print out of the submitted application form and submit it to your institute for the further processing.

Help Centre:

If you are facing any problem during the applying method or form filling then you can contact on the below given helpline number, they will assist you throughout the applying procedure or you may contact them via Email.

Helpline Numbers

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
(on all week days)
E-mail on

Important Dates:

Last date to apply for the scholarship is 30th September 2021

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