The Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha has announced a toll free contact phone number for the rechecking or re-evaluation related complaint. Due to mistake in evaluation of the CHSE +2 Plus two examination papers, the department has announced a number in which students can give their request for rechecking the answer sheet.
How To Recheck The CHSE Answer Sheet:
The students those are interested to apply for the re-evaluation of their answer papers of the CHSE examination can call the below given phone number and request for the rechecking or photo copy of the answer sheet. The candidates will get the photo copy of their answer sheet with in 48 hour as announced by the councilToll Free Rechecking or Complain Number For CHSE Examination 2018
The students of +2 Arts, Science and commerce can apply for the rechecking for their answer papaer by calling on the below given number.
Number : 0674 2300907
: 06742300903