International Organizations and their Headquarters and Heads, Function, Member Country
In every competitive exams like Banking, SSC, Other Govt exams, you will get based on International Organization in the world, their location, headquarter, managing head and the total member countries with its functions. Here we have listed some famous international organization name along with its details. You should read and memorize it for the upcoming Banking examination.
- Function : It is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international co-operation.
- Headquarter : New York ,
- Head : Ban ki-moon
- New Member : South Sudan.
- Total Member Countries : 193
- Headquarter : Geneva, Switzerland,
- Head : Roberto Azevêdo
- New Member : Yemen new member country.
- Total Member Countries :160
- Function : The World Bank is a United Nations international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.
- Headquarter : Washington D.C. (United States) President – Jim Yong Kim
- New Member : South Sudan new member country.
- Total Member Countries :188
- Function: (IMF) is an international organization that was initiated in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference and formally created in 1945 by 29 member countries.
- Headquarter : Washington DC . (United States)
- President : Christine Lagarde
- New Member : South Sudan new member country.
- Total Member Countries :188
- New Member : Croatia new member country.
- Total Member Countries : 28 member countries.
- Headquarter : Brussels, Belgium
- Function: The growth of the eurozone is an ongoing process within the European Union (EU). All Member states of the European Union, except for Denmark and the United Kingdom are obliged to adopt the euro as their sole currency once they meet the criteria.
- Member countries: The eurozone currently comprise 18 EU states.
- Latvia becomes the 18th Member State to adopt the euro on 1 January 2014.
- Lithuania has been approved for euro adoption on 1 January 2015
- Function : It is a political and economic organisation of ten countries located in Southeast Asia, which was formed on 8 August 1967.
- Headquarter : Jakarta, Indonesia
- Member countries :10 member countries (India is not the member of ASEAN)
- Function : It is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member economies that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region. It was established in 1989
- Headquarter : Singapore
- Member Countries : 21
- Function : It is an international organization and economic cartel whose mission is to coordinate the policies of the oil-producing countries
- Headquarter : Vienna, Austria ,
- Member Countries : 12 member countries