OPSC "General Knowledge" Answer Key 2021 for (OTE TS) Polytechnic/Diploma Lecturer Examination
OPSC Conducted the written examination for the post of Lecturer in Diploma or Polytechnic College in OTE & TS cadre. The written examination was held on the date 22- June 2021. Here we have provided the answer key for the OPSC Lecturer general Knowledge Question Paper. OPSC general Knowledge Question Paper Answer key for the Lecture exam is solved here with answer. Please read match the answer key with your answer.
Odisha Public Service Commission
Polytechnic/Diploma Lecturer Exam in (OTE TS) Grade- B
"General Knowledge"
Answer Key 2021
Time : 2 Hour Full Mark : 50
Ans : Eleven
2. 101st Constitutional Amendment Act refers to :
Ans : GST
3. Identify the odd one
Ans : Allahabad
4. Name the 12th President of India
Ans : Prativa Patil
5. In which year Election Commission was established ?
Ans : 1950
6. The headquarter of UNESCO is at
Ans : Paris
7. CSIR was established in the year ?
And : 1942
8. World Yoga Day is celebrated on
Ans : 21st June
9. Which country below is not a member of BIMSTEC ?
Ans : Pakistan
10. Pokharan II Test was held in the year
Ans : 1988
11. Whos is the Chief Commander of Armed Forces in India
Ans : The President
12. Who presides over the Joint Session of Indian Parliament ?
Ans : Speaker of Lok Sabha
13. Identify the odd one
Ans :
14 : Identify the wrong pair of capital currency
Ans :
15. The venue of next Olympic Games is at
Ans : Tokyo
16. The first Asian Games was held at
Ans : New Delhi
17. Name he chairperson of 15th Finance Commission
Ans : N.K. Singh
18. Human Resource Development Ministry has launched which holistic programme for the deelopment of school education ?
Ans ; Sarva Siksha
19. Amrutdhara waterfall is located at :
Ans : Chhattisgarh
20. Gandiv Vijay 2018 is a/an
Ans : Military Exercise of Indian Army
21. The term TDSAT refers to
Ans : A Tribunal
22. Who mooted the idea of 'Food Coupon'
Ans: Kaushik Basu
23. NABARD was established on the recommendation of
Ans : Shivraman Committee
24. National Mission of Financial Inclusion was recomended by
Ans : C. Rangarjan Committee
25. kalinga was was fought in the year
Ans : 261 BC
26. Cuttack city was founded in the year
Ans : 989
27. Paik Rebellion was held in Odisha in
Ans : 1817
28. Identify the person not associated with Satyabadi Panchasakha.
Ans :
29. Which one is known as 'Tulashi Kshetra' in Odisha ?
Ans : Kendrapara
30. Which one is considered as oldest civilisation ?
Ans : Mesopotamia
31. Who was the Master of Greek Comedy ?
Ans : Aeschylus
32. Vasco Da Gama arrived in India in the year
Ans : 1498
33. Who was the first to sail round the world ?
Ans : Magellan
34. Wo was known as Man of Blood and Iron ?
Ans : Bismarck
35. Laterite soil are formed due to
Ans : Mechanicla weathering of Igneous rocks
36. Which one among the list tops uranium production ?
Ans : Kazakhstan
37. Asthenosphere is located at
Ans : Below Lethosphere
38. Which one is not an ore ?
Ans : Anderite
39. Who is called ' Father of Geometry' ?
Ans : Euclid
40. Albert Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize for
Ans : Laws of Photoelectric Effects
41. Which one is most common cause of ' Sunburn' ?
Ans : Ultraviolet Radiation
42. A transition from solid to gas phase with no intermediate liquid stage is called
Ans : Sublimation
43. Which one was the First Indian satellite ?
Ans : Aryabhatta
44. Which one was India's first nuclear reactor ?
Ans : Apsara
45. Who was venerated as Second Buddha ?
Ans : Padmasambhava
46. Temple of Emerald Buddha is in the country
Ans : Thailand
47. Who was the First Education Minister of India?
Ans : Maulana Azad
48. Who said 'Swaraj is my birth right'
Ans : Tilak
49. Which country is compiling world's first tradional knowledge 'Digital Library' ?
Ans : India
50. Which one below is not a classical language in India ?
Ans : Bhojpuri
Tags : OPSC Lecturer General Knowledge Answer Key, OPSC Grade B Polytechnic Lecturer General Knowledge Answer Keys, OTETS General Knowledge Answer Key